Food Safety Starts With Quaré

Our company name Quaré stems from Latin root word “quaerere”, meaning “to detect”.

We are determined to make pathogen detection as simple and effective as possible.

Using a phage immobilized Magnetoeleastic sensor, Quaré detects harmful pathogens in food that can cause food poisoning, E-coli, salmonella, and many other food-borne illnesses, before they can enter the body and cause problems.

Food-borne illnesses affect over 600 million people every single year and cost the U.S. government 15 billion dollars annually.

Our Company Values


Seek constant growth.

Here at Quaré, we know that our product will never be perfect, and we are always looking to improve it whenever we can. Phage detection and therapy is a futuristic technology that is constantly changing and evolving. We are always learning more about the topic as more research comes out. This is an important part of our culture and simply a good trait to have.


Value yourself.

As a health and safety-based company, we understand how important it is to take care of yourself. Using our phage sensor means prioritizing your health. Not just your physical health is important, but mental health and well-being as well.


Change the world.

600 million people are affected by food-borne illnesses every year, and over 420 000 die. Food-borne illnesses are even worse in developing countries, as there is less access to healthcare. With Quaré, we can detect the harmful pathogens before they even cause any problems, which makes a big difference in developing countries. We want to help people and this is one way we want to do it.


Our Founders

Zoish Golwala

Zoish Golwala

Saanvi Dixit

Saanvi Dixit

Skye Organ

Skye Organ